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Evangelism & Discipleship

Evangelism and discipleship are at the heart of the Anglican Church of Rwanda. Bishops lead their dioceses, pastors shepherd their congregations, the Gospel is spreading, and Christians are growing in their faith, which impacts all areas of life. 


Various ministries throughout the Province focus in these areas, all with their own emphases. Members of Mother's Union, Fathers Union, and Youth Union continue to gather, learn, and serve together. Whether, through agriculture, education, savings groups, or medical care, the Church is sharing the good news in word and deed. Community Bible Studies are thriving and lives are being changed. 

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Pamela, an orphan from Kigeme Diocese, gave witness to her life transformation through the word of God. After the death of her mother, she explained that she was living in turmoil and disobedience in her aunt’s home. After joining a CBS program for children and youth, she testified of her "newfound peace in life and in her relationships."

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